Ginny Michelle Ryan Memorial Scholarship

Ginny Michelle Ryan, the only child of Hal and Nancy Ryan, was born on December 13, 1976, in Quanah, Texas. Ginny attended school at Paducah until the fifth grade. After the Ryans moved to Abilene, Ginny attended Jackson Elementary School and Wylie Middle and High Schools. Ginny was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when she was two years old. Though the disease is terminal, she never doubted that she would beat CF. Her attitude was: “They’ll find a cure.” According to her parents, one of Ginny’s greatest dreams was to someday attend college. Ginny Ryan’s positive attitude let her live life to the fullest, even in the face of such an unconquerable obstacle as CF. Her kindness and compassion will be sorely missed, yet her dream will come true, and her memory will live on through the Ginny Michelle Ryan Memorial Scholarship.
- Must be a graduating senior from Wylie High or Paducah High and must have attended for at least 2 years