The Foundation considers attorneys, accountants, financial planners, insurance agents, and other professionals who have relationships with community members to be our valued partners in charitable giving.
Are you a professional advisor who wants to help your clients with planned giving?
The Community Foundation of Abilene knows donors value the expertise professional advisors offer. Advisors can count on the Foundation to provide deep knowledge about accomplishing clients’ philanthropic goals.
As a professional advisor, you have an opportunity to help your clients achieve their family, estate and charitable goals as effectively as possible. The Community Foundation of Abilene is here to help. For nearly 40 years, we’ve earned a stellar reputation for integrity and service to donors and their professional advisors.
As a community foundation, we provide a vehicle through which individuals, families and companies can make gifts—immediate or deferred—to establish charitable funds that benefit the community. The Foundation is permanent and flexible—assuring donors that the spirit of their philanthropy will endure.
We look forward to working with you to structure your clients’ charitable giving to achieve optimal results.
Maximizing your clients' philanthropic impact.
We can help you by providing materials about the Foundation and various ways to give. We want to help you achieve your clients’ charitable goals.